Arthur Cronkhite
LifeStyle Consultant


  PEMF System

--Bio Energy
What is PEMF
--Pain Free Life

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__PEMF System

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World’s most popular and advanced PEMF therapy system, designed for both the home and challenging clinical use.

  • SBS (Swiss Bionic Solutions) is the only PEMF company in the world with its own  in-house research, engineering, development and manufacturing.

  • Only frequency based system in the world, to do both PEMF and Far-Infra-Red frequencies.

  • Both square wave and sawtooth frequencies can be generated through PEMF applicators.

  • Automatically incorporates variances in the circadian rhythms of the human body, depending on the time of day.

  • iGUIDE data base with nearly 280 pre-defined wellness programs, including almost 3500 organ clock sequences, based upon time of day.

NOTE: The only way you can purchase a Swiss Bionic Solutions, iMRS Prime system, is through a certified representative like myself.

Someone who can help you choose the right sytstem for your needs and answer questions in the future, as you explore the world of infinite wellness opportunity.


The Swiss are renown for their quality and attention to detail, with SBS devices being of the highest standard.

As an FDA Class1 medical device, SBS uses only certified medical-grade components in building their products. Products that have become the benchmark by which many other PEMF systems are compared against.

SBS is an international corporation, designed around a flat organization model, where access and interaction with even the president of SBS, Wolfgang Jaksch, is something regularly available.
A Swiss Bionic Solutions philosophy and practice called the SBS Lifestyle.

SBS's products are FDA Registered Class1 Medical Devices. SBS is a world renown organization, whose products have become the benchmark of PEMF technology, represented by people like myself on every continent.

More importantly, SBS is distributing the Omnium1 products through a Socially Responsible Marketing Plan. A remuneration program that provides the consumers of the product, a way in which to help both themselves and others, both physically and financially.

For consultation

Arthur Cronkhite
LifeStyle Consultant

Current Rev

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