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"Sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation is the emerging health problem of the 21st century.  It is imperative health practitioners, governments, schools and parents learn more about it. The human health stakes are significant."
- William Rea, MD


When we call something a pollutant, we are implying that it is somehow harmful to nature, the environment we live in, and to ourselves.

Electromagnetic Field (EMF) pollution is a term given to all the man-made electromagnetic fields of various frequencies, which fill our homes, workplaces and public spaces.

These various EMF pollutants are increasingly being called “Electrosmog”, due to their ever-present concentration and harmful effects to our bodies.

These harmful electrical waves, many of them at microwave level frequency, permeate our bodies of every hour of every day and come from a variety of sources, such as;

• Cell Phones
• Cell Phone towers
• Satellites
• Power Lines
• WiFi Devices
• Microwave Ovens
• Wireless Headsets
• Baby Monitors

“There is no question EMFs have a major effect on neurological functioning. They slow our brain waves and affect our long-term mental clarity. We should minimize exposures as much as possible to optimize neurotransmitter levels and prevent deterioration of health” - Eric Braverman MD

As danaging frequencies sweep through the cells, they impact the voltage of the cell, draining it over time, until the voltage drops below their normal operating level of, 20-25mV inside and 90mVoutside the cell.

When Voltage drops below 20mv (milionth of a volt) you have a disease, let it drop below 15mV and you have cancer.


“Very recently, new research is suggesting that nearly all the human plagues which emerged in the twentieth century, like common acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children, female breast cancer, malignant melanoma and asthma, can be tied to some facet of our use of electricity.  There is an urgent need for governments and individuals to take steps to minimize community and personal EMF exposures.”
- Samuel Milham MD, MPH

The constant "microwaving" of our body's cells, create many different types of ailments, such as:

• Headaches
• Disruptive sleep patterns
• Chronic fatigue
• Depression
• Skin complaints
• Hypertension
• Behavioral patterns in children

Chronic exposure to high levels of EMF, especially while asleep when the pineal gland is most susceptible, is a constant drain on our vitality. It creates chronic stress, which interferes with the regeneration and healing that normally takes place during a good night’s sleep.

One of the worst generators of damaging EMF energy, are cell phone towers that emit high concentrations of microwave radiation and can negatively effect body cells up to 21 miles from the tower.

World’s Largest Animal Study on Cell Tower Radiation Confirms Cancer Link
“Simply living close to a cell tower will pose threats to human health. Governments need to take measures to reduce exposures from cell tower emissions. Cell towers should not be near schools, hospitals or people’s homes."

Study links over 7,000 cancer deaths to cell phone tower radiation exposures
"All the studies shared similar findings: living within a certain proximity to a cell phone tower increased the risk of cancer anywhere from two to 121 times depending on what type of cancer was detected."

As your body's cells degenerate from constant exposure to EMF energy, there are several issues that arise. One is cognitive breakdown, as brain cells become more and more impaired, creating lethal depression.

Suicides Linked to Phone Masts
"... all 22 youngsters who have killed themselves in Bridge nd, South Wales, over the past 18 months lived far closer than average to a mast (cell tower)"

“Cells in the body react to EMFs as potentially harmful, just like to other environmental toxins, including heavy metals and toxic chemicals.  The DNA in living cells recognizes electromagnetic fields at very low levels of exposure; and produces a biochemical stress response.  The scientific evidence tells us that our safety standards are inadequate, and that we must protect ourselves from exposure to EMF due to power lines, cell phones and the like, or risk the known consequences. The science is very strong and we should sit up and pay attention.”
- Martin Blank, PhD


Regular use of BioResonate beneficial frequencies help restore your cells to their optimum health and therefore greatest potential state.

BioResonant Frequencies helps counter EMF damage by inducing resonant vibrations at the molecular level that stimulates cells, increasing inter-cellular communication. Cells regenerate, inflammation is reduced, immune responses are more robust, feel-good endorphins are boosted, depleted adrenal and other endocrine gland functions are restored.

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